Pedestrian Bridge
Des Moines, Iowa
City of Des Moines
The Center Street Pedestrian Bridge is a signature landmark for the Principal Riverwalk in downtown Des Moines, Iowa, that connects the east and west sides of the city. This unique bridge features two separate paths; one is dedicated to walkers, joggers, and runners, while the other is for bicyclists. Wells Webster provided construction administration and construction observation as a subcontractor to the engineer of record. The bridge is a 434-foot pedestrian bridge with split decks supported by a single arch across the Des Moines River. We provided input for design criteria, risk register, value engineering, and cost estimating. Engineers also liaised between all responsible entities and provided hydraulic modeling and civil and electrical design, including modifications to existing flood control structures. The bridge is a 434-foot pedestrian bridge with split decks supported by a single arch across the Des Moines River. In addition to construction administration and observation services, Wells Webster provided assistance and input for design criteria, risk register, value engineering, and cost estimating; liaison between all responsible entities; hydraulic modeling; and civil and electrical design, including modifications to existing flood control structures.